

Omar Shoura

Software Engineer | Student

About Me

I'm a third year CS student at Northeastern University studying Computer Science with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence. Some of my favorite courses were/are Object Oriented Design, Programming Languages, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. Graduation: May 2024
My Passion
I'm in Software Engineering because I have a strong desire to improve the world through technology. Since I was a child, I loved everything about technology, building my first computer when I was 9 with my dad. Today, I think what sets my apart is my well-roundedness. I'm not just diverse in my technical skillsets, but I am constantly engaged with the business side. I'm confident that I can suceed at any job due to my ability to ask the right questions and learn quickly.
In my free time
I love cooking and I love eating even more, I try new cuisines whenever I can. I also love fitness in general. I do strength training, boxing, brazilian jiu jitsu, and martial arts (I became a blackbelt at 15 years of age). I also love podcasts and audiobooks. I'll occasionally binge a good novel, but mostly, I'll listen to finance, business, tech, self-development. Some of my favorite audiobooks: Freakonomics, Automic Habits, The 4-Hour Workweek, and Harry Potter (Deathly Hollows); Podcasts: Motley Fool Money, Pivot, The Firsts. I'm involved in a Muslim Youth Group called Arkanum where I mentor middle school to high school aged kids. I give them Islamic lessons, go out with them in Boston, and even chaperone on overnight retreats. I joined as a mentee 5 years ago, loved the community, and stayed ever since. I also got married in May of 2023 💍

My Resume

Work Experience

Reprise Logo
Software Engineer Coop

[Incoming] Fall 2023


Incoming Full Stack Software Engineer with React and Django tech stack

Capital One Logo
Software Engineer Intern

Jun 2023 - Aug 2023

Capital One: Cloud Maturity

Developed MVP platform for assessing compliance, performance, and efficiency of AWS resources across org

Integrated 6 internal data sources through APIs, cleaned and normalized, then loaded into postgreSQL

Built dashboard using Streamlit to search for accounts, display their score and affected resources and offer remediation instructions; Interfaced with internal library for interacting with AWS resources (boto3 wrapper)

Volunteered for 12 hours to teach middle school kids coding in small groups providing individual assistance

Liberty Mutual Logo
Machine Learning Engineer Coop

Jul 2022 - Dec 2022

Liberty Mutual Insurance: Office of Data Science

Redesigned an insurance modeling library in python, to reduce memory usage, standardize interfaces by following Sklearn standards, and improve documentation consistency; 12+ data scientists use library

Designed configurable, robust, and well-tested data transformers for underwriting models that sped up deployment from an average of 3 months to only 2 weeks; presented tools to external teams

Designed new ensemble model to aggregate 3 models to improve predictions; currently deployed and used

Generate Development Studio Logo
Software Engineer

Dec 2021 - Apr 2022

Generate: Student led Product Development Studio

Built modern user interface for a home screen and explore page in React closely following Figma designs

Set up authentication process with Django back-end, Spotify user integration, Redux for state management

Collaborated with 11 engineers to build React and Django based prototype web app in 4 months for customer

Khoury College of Computer Science Logo
Teaching Assistant for Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 and Object-Oriented Design

Sep 2021 - Jun 2022

Khoury College of Computer Science

Led labs with 30+ students to answer questions and teach Functional Programming & OOD paradigms

Planned review session with 200+ students attending, working closely with professor to prepare material

Held office hours to provide one-on-one support, understanding and helping students with unfamiliar code

UN lab Logo
Research Assistant

Oct 2020 - Jun 2021

Ultrabroadband Nanonetworking (UN) Laboratory

Took channel sounding captures in an isolated RF channel emulator to understand the Terahertz band for 6G research

Used a Digital Storage Oscilloscope, an Arbitrary Waveform Generator, and PSG Signal Generators to take precise measurements and conduct analysis in a lab setting

Co-authored the research paper "Data Signals for Terahertz Communications Research"


Northeastern University Logo
Bachelor's of Computer Science

Sept 2020 - Apr 2024

Boston, MA

Northeastern University

GPA: 3.9 / 4.0- Dean's List

Coursework: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning I, Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Foundation of Data Science, Object-Oriented Design, Algorithms and Data Structures

Islamic Society of Northeastern - Eboard member:
• Led regular lectures on Islamic history for 30+ students that required extensive research and public speaking skills
• Advocated for Muslim Students and got a dedicated prayer space, halal food, acknowledgement of Muslim holidays, and safe transportation to nearby mosque
• Organized a 14 team charity basketball tournament from 8 different universities called MSA Madness. Expected to Raise $2,500

Disrupt Fintech Organization - Tech Team Programmer :
• Design, build and publish an educational Fintech app in React Native for the Northeastern Community
• Transform Figma wireframes with a team of 5 into a working app within 12 weeks

Other Involvements: Arab Student Association: Country Ambassador
Northeastern Real Estate Club

Newton North Logo
High School

Sept 2016 - June 2020

Newton, MA

Newton North High School

GPA: 4.5/5.0- High Honors

Coursework: AP Statistics, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, French V, Arabic, Middle Eastern History, TA for Computer Science

Involvements: Wrestling, Soccer, Robotics, Arab Student Association




AWS Cloud Practitioner


AWS Cloud Developer (in progress)

Download My Resume

My Projects

Refer to my Github for the most up to date information.

Send me a message!

Get in touch

Name :
Omar Shoura
Phone :
+1 (617) 775-4868
City :
Boston, MA